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PSA data show highest and lowest paid workers in the Philippines

PILOTS, software developers, statisticians, and accountants are among the highest-paid workers in the country, according to the latest data released by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Based on the 2022 Occupational Wages Survey (OWS), the PSA said the overall average monthly wage rate of time-rated workers on a full-time basis was P18,423 in 2022.

This data was obtained from 193 monitored occupations in 72 selected industries. The OWS covered 16,057 formal establishments employing at least 20 workers nationwide, of which wage rates of monitored occupations across selected industries were collected.

“This indicates an  11.7-percent increase from the average monthly wage rate of these workers in 2020 at P16,486 and a 1.7 percent increment from their average monthly wage rate in 2018 at P18,108,” the PSA said.

PSA said aircraft pilots and related associate professionals in the Air Transport industry received the highest average monthly wage rate of P135,363 in 2022.

This was followed by software developers working in Information Service Activities who received an average wage rate of P70,595 per month.

The data also showed mathematicians and actuaries received an average wage rate of P69,654; applications programmers at P58,643; statisticians, P51,607; and accountants and auditors, P48,982.

“Four out of the 10 highest paid occupations were engaged in Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Funding except Compulsory Social Security,” PSA said.c

The PSA said other top-paid occupations include health workers, specifically specialist medical practitioners with a corresponding average salary of P57,476 a month while medical doctor/generalist medical practitioners with P51,251.

The data showed other highly paid occupations including production supervisors and general foremen employed in Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply.

Together with geologists, they earn an average of P63,017 per month. PSA said other Mining and Quarrying workers are being paid an average of P49,059 monthly.

A closer look at the data showed there are still occupations that earned below P20,000 such as farmers, forestry, and livestock workers; fishing and aquaculture; and factory workers in wearing apparel, leather and related products, and wood and plaiting materials.

Other employees who received less than P20,000 a month included bus transport workers; select postal and courier activity workers; the majority of food service workers except for accountants; vocational teachers and secondary teachers; pharmacists; physical therapists; and dieticians and nutritionists, among others.

The data also showed that a number of occupations also received less than P30,000 a month, including chemical engineers and quality assurance workers in the manufacture of beverages; supervisors in the manufacture of textiles; and mechanical engineers and supervisors in the paper and paper products industry as well as those in the printing and reproduction of recorded media.

The PSA said other workers in this category include civil engineers and building architects in the construction industry; contact information clerks; and workers in the publishing industry such as journalists, web and multimedia developers, and coding and proofreading clerks, among others.

The 2022 OWS showed data on median basic pay and median allowance of time-rated workers on full-time basis were likewise gathered.

PSA said OWS specifically collects and monitors data on the employment and wage rates of two (2) benchmark occupations namely: (1) Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks; and (2) Elementary Occupations (Unskilled Workers) in industries covered by the survey.



May Kuryente

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